News list for " danylo"

The Ukrainian government plans to legalize cryptocurrencies by this summer

Danylo Hetmantsev, a senior Ukrainian lawmaker who chairs the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy, said Kiev was on track to "legalise" cryptocurrencies by the summer and that the main text of the bill was fully ready. Lawmakers are still debating several issues, including how regulators and law enforcement officials would apply the "financial surveillance" approach to cryptocurrency trading. In addition, the bill's designers must complete tax-related matters before ...

2025-02-11 06:29:36

乌克兰高级议员Danylo Hetmantsev表示,基辅有望在今年夏季前“合法化”加密货币,相关法案的主要文本已经完全准备就绪。Hetmantsev是乌克兰最高拉达财政、税收和海关政策委员会主席。 议员们仍在讨论几个问题,其中包括监管机构和执法人员如何将“金融监控”方法应用于加密货币交易。此外,该法案的设计者必须在法案草案送交拉达之前完成税收相关事宜。

2025-02-11 06:29:36